BLOG: Advent and Christmas,Biblical Reflections,Reflections
Looking Back
Henry Pope
January 13, 2017
Another Christmas Day has come and gone. It’s time we turn our attention to 2017 with an open mind, to strive towards bridging gaps between one another with forgiveness and understanding rather than putting up walls which stem from anger and a lack of communication. But not before taking the time to reflect on the more
Yesterday, as our Eastern Catholic brothers and Sisters celebrated Christmas, I was reminded of one of the most meaningful messages of Christmas: Emmanuel – God with us. Since I was a little child, I’ve known this. I always knew the meaning of the name Emmanuel, because that is my middle name: Pedro Emmanuel Guevara-Mann. At more
At 10:00 am this morning, Solemnity of the Epiphany, Pope Francis presided over the Eucharistic celebration in the Vatican Basilica. Below are the texts of Proclamation of Easter, celebrated this year on April 16, and the Pope’s homily after the proclamation of the Holy Gospel: The Proclamation of Easter Know, dear brethren, that as we more
At Salt + Light we spend a lot of time reading, analyzing and sharing the words of Pope Francis. And over the past four years, the Pope has given us a lot to think about and act upon. Of the many recurring themes that emerge in his speeches and official documents, one that has not more
On a Friday night in July 2002, during the World Youth Day celebration in Toronto, I was standing just down the street from the Royal Ontario Museum. As a member of the World Youth Secretariat under the Ministry of Housing and Municipal Affairs, I was assigned to stand by a viewing area for local dignitaries more
The Christmas story told through the eyes, words and imagination of children. – Special thanks to Anna Boyagoda, Coordinator of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd – Archdiocese of Toronto; St. Benedict Parish, Toronto, for permission to film at their Mary Help of Christians Children’s Atrium, Fr. Mario Villaraza SDB, Pastor of St Benedict and more
Some years ago, in an episode of Perspectives about the truth about Santa Claus we had a wonderful discussion on Perspectives Weekly about teaching our kids that Christmas is about Christ. We’ve never had so many comments on one program! I remember that one of the comments came from Warren Dungen, who suggested that we more
“The grace of God has appeared for the salvation of all men” (Tit 2:11). The words of the Apostle Paul reveal the mystery of this holy night: the grace of God has appeared, his gift is free; in the Child given unto us the love of God is made visible. It is a night of more
In our household, Christmas is on call twelve months a year. That’s not to say that we celebrate it in the summer as well as in winter, but the possibility of its inclusion is always there, even if it is just one small part of our Advent and Christmas traditions. Yes, there is always a more
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops President Bishop Douglas Crosby, OMI, Bishop of Hamilton, released the annual Christmas Message on behalf of the Conference. Watch the full message below. more