I don’t want to overstep, but I highly doubt you were immaculately conceived. I know I wasn’t. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t try to be prepared like Mary was. ...read more
Don't miss Dealer of Hope - a brand new S+L original documentary airing on Thursday, Dec. 6. Read all about the film, its unusual subject, and his inspiring mission. ...read more
What makes a “Catholic” website really “Catholic”? Sebastian Gomes reflects on the Catholic media we consume and offers criteria to help us discern our use. ...read more
Join Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB, and Deacon Pedro Guevara-Mann as they sit down with representatives from this year's Parliament of the World's Religions in Toronto. ...read more
Watch this #TFImoment with Fr. Frank Morrissey, OMI, one of the canon lawyers who helped draft the recent reforms to the annulment process. ...read more
Watch this brand new original documentary with exclusive interviews, made to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. ...read more
Sr. Simone Campbell, a prominent voice for social justice in America, discusses Pope Francis' profoundly Christian understanding of economics. ...read more
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