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A major meeting led by the Pontifical Commission for Latin America and co-sponsored by the Knights of Columbus is discussing the role and mission of the Catholic Church in North, South and Central America. The conference is taking place at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City from Nov. 16 to 19. more
Ever since I received the invitation to participate in the Year of Faith Press Trip as guests of the Israeli Ministry of Tourism, I have been wondering what to expect. This is my first time ever visiting Israel, and the opportunity to visit those sites that are so significant for the three Abrahamic religions is more
On February 11 we remember the members of the armed forces who lost their lives in the line of duty. The Catholic Cemeteries  of Vancouver came across one Catholic man who served his country in and out of the armed forces as a medical doctor and psychiatrist. After the first World War he dedicated his more
The local Church or diocese established in Rome was founded by the two Apostles Peter and Paul and sanctified by the lives of many martyrs. As the spiritual leader of the worldwide Catholic Church, the Pope is also the Bishop of Rome in the footsteps of St. Peter the Apostle, the first Pope and Bishop more
At a press conference in Rome this morning, Archbishop Lorenzo Baldisseri formally presented the preparatory document for the upcoming Extraordinary Synod on Pastoral Challenges to the Family in the Context of Evangelization. Archbishop Baldisseri, the head of the Synod of Bishops, said the family is an area that the church will work on for the more
This week’ Vatican Connections looks at the innovations of Pope Francis: using the Vatican’s media spokesperson to confirm the date of a consistory for new Cardinals, and celebrating All Saints day Mass at the Verano Cemetary for the first time in 20 years. Plus we bring you a look at the Vatican’s involvement in the more
Two weeks ago there was a huge victory for opponents of euthanasia and assisted suicide in Canada in a case that determined that doctors must obtain consent before removing life-support from a patient. The case was that of Hassan Rasouli who apparently was misdiagnosed as being in a persistent vegetative state since October 2010. According more
Here is the translation of Pope Francis’ address during an audience with the directors, employees and collaborators of the Vatican Television Center (CTV) on the occasion of their 30th anniversary. Dear friends, The Vatican Television Center, commissioned by Blessed John Paul II, was born on October 22nd, 1983. On this path there has been much more
Every WYD has a theme and WYD 2013 was no different. Matthew 28:19 “go and make disciples of all nations” inspired everything that happened in Rio de Janeiro this past summer. But Pope Francis was part of many events and celebrations. Outside of the four main World Youth Day events, he was part of some more
Today is the 87th World Mission Sunday. After the Angelus, Pope Francis addressed the crowds gathered in St. Peter’s square with these words: Dear brothers and sisters, Today is World Mission Day. What is the mission of the Church? To spread throughout the world the flame of faith that Jesus has lighted in the world: more