BLOG: Apostolic Journeys,Benedict XVI,Life and Family,Special Events
The Holy Father addresses Croatian youth at the Prayer Vigil in Ban Josip Jelacic square. The Holy Father got an opportunity to hear two very moving personal testimonies from Croatian youths. The Holy Father also spoke about the challenges of youth: marked by a deep longing and questioning. The Holy Father says that Jesus Christ more
The Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI says that religion is a natural element of society as it places man in right relation with God. He spoke on the importance of our conscience. The Holy Father said that our conscience is the place in which to listen to truth and goodness. It is also the place more
Upon his arrival at the international airport in Zagreb, Croatia, the Holy Father makes this joyful address on the first National Day of Croatian Catholic Families. He speaks of Croatia’s strong bonds and faithfulness to the Holy See, and the importance of family values: Mr President, Dear Brother Bishops, Distinguished Authorities, Dear Brothers and Sisters, more
This weekend, Pope Benedict XVI will make his first trip to Croatia as the successor of Peter. However, as Holy See Press Office director Father Federico Lombardi, SJ, points out, it’s not his first visit to the strongly Catholic country. The Vatican spokesman offered an editorial previewing the trip on the Vatican Television program Octava more
Oh May, how we hardly knew you! Thirty one days zipped by and we are already entering into the halfway point of the year. In May, we paid particular attention to our Blessed Mother, in June we traditionally contemplate the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Last year, on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, Pope Benedict more
While Pope Benedict frequently invites Catholics to pray for particular causes, he has made a unique, official appeal for the Church in China. Speaking at the General Audience last Wednesday, he said that “all Catholics throughout the world have a duty to pray for the Church in China: those members of the faithful have a more
Pope Benedict XVI is calling on the faithful to pray for China. Speaking at today’s General Audience, the Holy Father says because of restrictions and pressures on the Church by China’s communist government “Christ is living his passion” there. He says that Chinese Catholics want unity with the universal Church, and with the Successor of more
I was at an abortion debate recently and even though the pro-life speaker made it really clear that his position had to do with the fact that he believes that an unborn human being is still a human being, a human person and as such, deserves the same rights and freedoms as any other human more
On May 1st we celebrated the Beatification of John Paul II. That 1.5 million (!) people gathered in Rome for this historic event is a testament to the connection that the Polish Pontiff had with the faithful. He was a great communicator — and some consider that one of the lasting hallmarks of his life. more
Violence in the Middle East, Libya, the Ivory Coast. Destruction in Japan. Persecution of Christians. Amidst all the turmoil it seems hard to find the joy of Easter. But in his Urbi et Orbi message, Pope Benedict XVI says it is for these “painful situations” that Christ died for us. In heaven all is peace more