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Upon his arrival at the international airport in Zagreb, Croatia, the Holy Father makes this joyful address on the first National Day of Croatian Catholic Families. He speaks of Croatia’s strong bonds and faithfulness to the Holy See, and the importance of family values: Mr President, Dear Brother Bishops, Distinguished Authorities, Dear Brothers and Sisters, more
This weekend, Pope Benedict XVI will make his first trip to Croatia as the successor of Peter. However, as Holy See Press Office director Father Federico Lombardi, SJ, points out, it’s not his first visit to the strongly Catholic country. The Vatican spokesman offered an editorial previewing the trip on the Vatican Television program Octava more
Before I begin to untangle myself out of this noodle soup I’ve cooked, can I draw your attention to a comment (see comments at the bottom of the blog post) that came from Jason Gennaro — Jason makes an excellent comment that every definition about Marriage has to include God in it. So true. In more
A couple of weeks ago I posted an entry titled: What If I Was Miss California – and I wondered how I would answer if I was asked the same question she was asked, on national television. The question is: Do you believe every State (in the U.S.) should legalise same-sex marriage? My response would more
Given the outcome of what happened at Carleton U. with the Student Association and the Pro-life group (watch Catholic Focus, CAMPUS FREE SPEECH), it’s easy to get disheartened with the secular direction the world is taking. It’s amazing to know that not long ago, the debate was whether to grant pro-abortion groups status on campus. more