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Read the full text of Pope Francis' address to priests, consecrated persons, deacons, catechists, ecclesial associations and movements of Cyprus. more
As we listen to readings from the prophets during Advent, Deacon Pedro gives us some background on two of the Major Prophets: Isaiah and Jeremiah. more
If you are asking yourself, “What is Diocesan Youth Day?” or if you thought that it is on Palm Sunday, then this blog post is for you. more
As we come to the end of the liturgical year and begin a new one, the Church gives us readings from the prophets – and three are Minor Prophets! more
Deacon Pedro tells us all about the Pontifical Mission Societies and how World Mission Sunday got started. more
You may have heard that the next Synod of Bishops is on the topic of synodality. But what are synods and why do we have them? more
Last week we began exploring the Shroud of Turin. What more can we determine from studying it? Is the man of the shroud Jesus? more
On the final day of his apostolic visit to Slovakia, Pope Francis celebrated Mass for the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows in Šaštín. Read his homily here. more
On September 14, 2021, Pope Francis spoke to a group of 20,000 young people in Lokomotiva Stadium in Košice, Slovakia, about love. Read his address here. more
On September 14, 2021, Pope Francis met with the marginalized Roma community of Košice, Slovakia. Read his address here. more