BLOG: Apostolic Journeys,Pope Francis,Special Events
Below please find the full text of the Pope Benedict’s Angelus address given to more than 600 000 Mexican faithful gathered at the Parque del Bicentenario (Bicentennial Park), at the foot of Cerro del Cubilete (Beaker Hill). Dear Brothers and Sisters, In today’s Gospel, Jesus speaks of the grain of wheat that falls to the more
Today Pope Benedict XVI celebrated Mass for more than 600 000 Mexican faithful gathered at the Parque del Bicentenario (Bicentennial Park), at the foot of Cerro del Cubilete (Beaker Hill). Resting atop Cerro del Cubilete (Beaker Hill) is a statue of Cristo Rey (Christ the King), a tribute to the martyrs of the Cristero War. Below is a clip of more
This evening the Holy Father greeted the Children gathered in Peace Square, Guanajuato. In an ecstatic atmosphere, the Holy Father’s speech was interrupted several times with loud cheers! more
Memorable quotes from Day 2 of Pope Benedict’s Apostolic voyage to Mexico. “The disciple of Jesus does not respond to evil with evil, but is always an instrument of good instead, a herald of pardon, a bearer of happiness, a servant of unity.” “He [Jesus] wishes to write in each of your lives a story more
This evening the Holy Father greeted children gathered in Peace Square, Guanajuato. In an atmosphere of festive and joyful song, the Holy Father spoke with the young children gathered, encouraging them to draw near to the Lord. He spoke of the true nature of discipleship saying, “He [Jesus] wishes to write in each of your more
3 memorable quotes from Day 1 of Pope Benedict’s XVI’s Apostolic Voyage to Mexico. “The church is not a political power, it’s not a party, but a moral reality, a moral force” “Together with faith and hope, the believer in Christ – indeed the whole Church – lives and practises charity as an essential element more
Upon Pope Benedict’s arrival at the International Airport of Guanajuato, Mexico the region has reason to celebrate. Although Blessed Pope John Paul II visited Mexico five times, he never went to Guanajuato – known as the most Catholic state of Mexico. In his opening address the Holy Father warmly greets the Mexican faithful as a more
At first impact the phrase “the Cuban Church” sounds like an oxymoron, or a misnomer and thoughts of an underground catholic presence might spring to mind. That might have been true at some point. However, Pope Benedict XVI’s planned visit to the Island nation later this month shows that is not the case today, and more
It’s easy to take ecumenism for granted in Canada, even during this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Of course, the full expression of visible unity has not been achieved, and won’t likely occur within our lifetime. But we have grown so accustomed to respectful relations and cooperative efforts on social issues that our prayers more
With any announcement of a consistory comes a flurry of media activity around the new Cardinal-designates. In New York, Archbishop Timothy Dolan appeared on NBC’s morning show with Matt Lauer in what is probably one of the Cardinal-designate’s most memorable interviews. more