BLOG: Apostolic Journeys,Pope Francis,Vatican Connections
Pope Francis: What does this mean for the Catholic Church in Canada and beyond? We have first reactions from Ottawa’s own Archbishop Terrence Prendergast — who, like Francis, is a Jesuit — plus Bishop William McGrattan and Dr. Moira McQueen. Don’t miss this edition of “Perspectives Conclave Special” with Kris Dmytrenko. more
This was perhaps the most highly anticipated and yet unwanted week for the Vatican. On Thursday Pope Benedict’s resignation officially took effect. The days leading up to the unprecedented event were full of papal “lasts”: his last angelus, the last general audience, and his last meeting with the college of cardinals. This week’s edition of more
With this week’s edition of Vatican Connections we’re already looking ahead to Easter and Holy week. The Vatican announced who will write the meditations for the Via Crucis that will take place at Rome’s coliseum, and released the pope’s liturgical itinerary for the next two months. As well, six men who were made Cardinals recently more
In this week’s edition of Vatican Connection we go through the headline: the Pontifical Council for Culture takes on the issue of doping in sports, we introduce you to one of our Vatican Connections, the director and editor in chief of Catholic News Service and Royalty stops by to visit Pope Benedict. For me, the more
Financial Reform under Francis In six months Pope Francis has implemented more changes to the Vatican’s financial system than his predecessor did during his entire pontificate. Since he was elected, Pope Francis has appointed a new interim prelate for the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), commonly referred to as the Vatican Bank, created three more
Has their moment finally come? After this weekend, many Christians in the Middle East must feel their hope renewed. Pope Benedict arrived in Lebanon on Friday, at a time when other foreign leaders might have cancelled their travel plans to the volatile region. Though civil wars and protests still dominate the headlines, the pontiff’s three-day more
Following a historic three-day visit to Lebanon, Pope Benedict is now on his way back to Rome. This was a very important trip for the 85-year old Pontiff. Despite increased tension and violence in the Middle East, he spent time meeting with government officials, signed the long-awaited Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in Medio Oriente and met more
One of the most significant moments of the Holy Father’s trip to Lebanon thus far has been the signing of the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Eccleisa in Medio Oriente. He signed the message yesterday during his visit to the Melkite Catholic Basilica of St. Paul in Harissa. He then presented it to the people of Lebanon more
Earlier today, Pope Benedict celebrated Mass and officially presented the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in Medio Oriente at the City Centre Waterfront in Beirut. Published below are copies of his homily and Angelus, which followed the celebration of Mass. Dear Brothers and Sisters, “Blessed be God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!” (Eph 1:3). more
Pope Benedict XVI is known to have a special place in his heart for young people. Following his meeting with government officials, he delivered an address to young people gathered on the square in front of the Maronite Patriarchate at Bkerke. Published below is a copy of his official text. Your Beatitude, Brother Bishops, Dear more