BLOG: Apostolic Journeys,Pope Francis,World Youth Day
Read Pope Francis' message, inspired by the generosity of St. Mother Teresa, for the 27th World Day of the Sick to be celebrated in Calcutta on 11 February. more
Join us in prayer for the intentions entrusted to us by Pope Francis. For November 2018, we join the Holy Father in praying that the language of love and dialogue may always prevail over the language of conflict. more
Read the full text of the homily that Pope Francis gave at the concluding Mass of the 15th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. more
In this #TFI Moment, Franciscan Fr. Dan Horan explores how Pope Francis follows the example of his namesake: St. Francis of Assisi. more
Pope Francis asks: Do we follow Jesus as lovers, really prepared to leave behind something for him? Read the full text of the homily here. more
Read the homily that Pope Francis gave today at the Opening Mass for the Synod on Young people, the faith, and vocational discernment. more
Watch this #TFImoment with Fr. Frank Morrissey, OMI, one of the canon lawyers who helped draft the recent reforms to the annulment process. more
Read the full text of Pope Francis' homily at the final celebration of Mass during his Apostolic Journey to the Baltic States. more
Read Pope Francis' speech to the young Christians of Estonia, encouraging them to be fearless in following the Gospel and reaching out to others in love. more
In this homily from an important Marian shrine in Latvia, Pope Francis urges us to look to Mary as our model in learning to "touch the suffering of others". more