BLOG: Apostolic%20Journeys,Prayer,Special%20Events
Every time I visit my relatives in France, I devote a day to visiting Notre Dame de Lourdes in the Pau region. It's an essential pilgrimage, one that gives me spiritual strength. The pilgrimage allows me to reflect on my Christian life and, at the same time, experience inner peace. more
Those who are terminally ill are the ones who are the most in need. Rather than seeing them as useless and disposable parts of society, we need to regard them with respect and give them the dignity that is due. more
Let us pray that the Spirit help us recognise the gift of different charisms within the Christian community, and to discover the richness of different ritual traditions in the heart of the Catholic Church. more
I offer my cordial greetings and I am grateful to each of you for having accepted the invitation of Cardinal Aveline to participate in these meetings. more
While Pope Francis can't make it to Dubai this weekend, Secretary of State (Pope Francis' right-hand-man) Cardinal Pietro Parolin will go in his stead, the Holy See Press Office has indicated. more
Red Wednesday: November 15, 2023
Aid to the Church in Need Canada
November 9, 2023
For almost ten years now, Red Wednesday has been a must-attend international event for a growing number of Christians around the world. more
As the Holy Land is immersed in this violence and bloodshed, we remember that Jesus, the Son of God, who lived and walked there as Love Incarnate, through His teaching by word and deed, calls us as brothers and sisters to be always united by the bond of charity. more
I went to Marseille at the end of last week to participate in the conclusion of the Rencontres Méditerranéennes (Mediterranean Meetings), which involved Bishops and mayors from the Mediterranean area, along with numerous young people more
The Scriptures tell us that, having established his kingdom, King David decided to transport the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. After summoning the people, he rose and set out to bring the Ark more
I offer my cordial greetings and I am grateful to each of you for having accepted the invitation of Cardinal Aveline to participate in these meetings. more