BLOG: Apostolic Journeys,Saint Stories,Saints and Blesseds
Come, Flower of Jesse’s stem, sign of God’s love for all his people: save us without delay! When I think of this antiphon I can’t help but think of Mary. In fact, I would consider that this O Antiphon, O Radix Jesse, is inseparable from Mary. But O Radix Jesse, Root of Jesse, is a more
  Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in his holy place? Someone who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up their soul to what is false. Isaiah 7:10-14 Psalm 24 Romans 1.1-7 Matthew 1:18-24 We often say that the road to hell is paved more
On December 8, we celebrate Mary and how she was free from original sin from the moment of her conception. The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is an important feast day around the world. Many countries like the Philippines, Italy, Malta, Portugal, and Colombia made this day a public holiday. In the United States, it more
  “The voice of one crying out in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.’” Isaiah 11:1-10 Romans 15:4-9 Matthew 3:1-12 “That’s just how we’ve always done things. It’s a good idea, but we’re so set in our ways!” “That’s just the way the world is. I wish it were more
St. Cecilia is known for being the patron saint of music, musicians, and composers. According to tradition, St. Cecilia came from a wealthy family and was promised in marriage to a Roman pagan named Valerian. She had already made a vow of virginity to God, and she prayed and fasted that her promise be preserved. more
Pope Francis continues his catechesis on discernment by returning to the theme of “desolation.” He says that “desolation is the clearest response to the objection that the experience of God is a form of wishful thinking, a simple projection of our desires,” because “the spiritual life is the relationship with God, the Living One who more
In today’s General Audience, Pope Francis reflects on his Apostolic Visit to Bahrain as a time of “dialogue,” “encounter” and “journey.” He says that “dialogue is ‘the oxygen of peace,'” that “encounters can form stronger relationships,” and that this “first visit of a Pope in Bahrain represents a new step on the journey between Christian more
On Sunday, November 6, during the last day of his apostolic visit to the Kingdom of Bahrain, Pope Francis participated in a prayer meeting and Angelus with bishops, priests, consecrated persons, seminarians, and pastoral workers. Below is the full text of the words he addressed to them on this occasion:   Pope Francis’ address to more
Pope Francis’ address to youth in Awali
Pope Francis
November 5, 2022
On Saturday, November 5, Pope Francis visited Sacred Heart School in Awali where he met with young people from the Kingdom of Bahrain. He watched performances by dancers and a choir. Below is the full text of the words he addressed to youth on this occasion:   Pope Francis’ address to youth Sacred Heart School more
On Saturday, November 5, the third day of his visit to the Kingdom of Bahrain, Pope Francis participated in Mass at Bahrain National Stadium. Pope Francis speaks of Jesus’ invitation to love always and to put love into practice. Read the full text of his homily below:   HOMILY OF HIS HOLINESS “Bahrain National Stadium” more