BLOG: Apostolic Journeys,Saints and Blesseds
Horse or no horse? And does it really matter? Fr. Matt Gworek takes a unique approach to examining the conversion of St. Paul. more
Read the words of the pope to young detainees in Panama, encouraging them to "keep fighting to seek and find the paths of integration and transformation". more
Read the powerful and inspiring words of Pope Francis to the bishops of Central America during his Apostolic Journey to Panama. more
Read the full text of Pope Francis' address to the President of Panama on the first full day of his Apostolic Journey to Panama. more
Fr. Matt Gworek reflects on the life of St. Anthony the Great, the great ascetic, mystic, and inspiration of the early Church. How can he inspire us today? more
Fr. Matt Gworek reflects on the life of St. Lucy, a uniquely Swedish way of celebrating her feast day, and what lessons this feast holds for us at Advent. more
God’s idea of fulfilling one’s vocation is that which will lead to greatest holiness and eternity with Him in heaven. Our idea is often more earthbound. more
Read all about Mother Clelia Merlone, who experienced sickness, slander, financial ruin, betrayal, and rejection - and who will be beatified on Nov 3. more
In honour of the feast day of Pope St. John Paul II today, here are some fun stats from his papacy. more
Quick: tell me your favourite thing about St. Agileus. St. Cannatus? St. Fortunatus? St. Thecla? Fr. Matt Gworek explores the wonderful variety of saints. more