BLOG: Apostolic Journeys,Saints and Blesseds
I thank the Parish Priest for his words, and greet all of you, especially the friends of the Centro Paroquial da Serafina of the Casa Famiglia Ajuda de Berço and the Associazione Acreditar. more
Welcome and thank you for being here. I am pleased to see all of you, and also to hear the delightful noise you are making! more
Thank you, Madame Rector, for your kind words. You said that all of us feel like “pilgrims.” That is a beautiful word, and one well worth reflecting on. more
I am pleased to be with you, not only to experience World Youth Day together with so many young people, but also to share in your own ecclesial journey, your challenges and your hopes. more
I greet you cordially and I thank you, Mr President, for your welcome and kind words. I am happy to have come to Lisbon, this city of encounter which embraces many peoples and cultures more
Peter and Paul: two apostles in love with the Lord, two pillars of the faith of the Church. As we reflect on their lives, today’s Gospel sets before us the question that Jesus posed to his disciples: “Who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:16) more
In this series of catecheses on apostolic zeal – we are talking about this – we are encountering some exemplary figures of men and women from all times and places, who have given their lives for the Gospel. more
“Mount Athos, St. Joseph Hesychast” is the type of movie you watch and immediately want to share with all of your friends. The film shares the life of St. Joseph Hesychast, from his boyhood to his days as a holy Monk on Mount Athos in Greece. more
Who is Paul VI and why is he important for us today? He was elected 60 years ago this week, on June 21, 1963. This was right in the midst of the Second Vatican Council, more
Here before us are the relics of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, universal patroness of missions. It is good that this happen while we are reflecting on the passion for evangelization, on apostolic zeal. more