BLOG: Apostolic Journeys,Saints and Blesseds
The Holy Father addresses Croatian youth at the Prayer Vigil in Ban Josip Jelacic square. The Holy Father got an opportunity to hear two very moving personal testimonies from Croatian youths. The Holy Father also spoke about the challenges of youth: marked by a deep longing and questioning. The Holy Father says that Jesus Christ more
The Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI says that religion is a natural element of society as it places man in right relation with God. He spoke on the importance of our conscience. The Holy Father said that our conscience is the place in which to listen to truth and goodness. It is also the place more
Upon his arrival at the international airport in Zagreb, Croatia, the Holy Father makes this joyful address on the first National Day of Croatian Catholic Families. He speaks of Croatia’s strong bonds and faithfulness to the Holy See, and the importance of family values: Mr President, Dear Brother Bishops, Distinguished Authorities, Dear Brothers and Sisters, more
This weekend, Pope Benedict XVI will make his first trip to Croatia as the successor of Peter. However, as Holy See Press Office director Father Federico Lombardi, SJ, points out, it’s not his first visit to the strongly Catholic country. The Vatican spokesman offered an editorial previewing the trip on the Vatican Television program Octava more
Two months before his death in 1979, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen met Pope John Paul II in New York’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral. The two embraced, and the now Blessed John Paul II said to the legendary Catholic writer and broadcaster: “You have written and spoken well of the Lord Jesus Christ. You are a loyal more
“Do something beautiful for God.” That’s the advice that Leonardo Defilippis received from Mother Teresa. The stage actor responded by dedicating his life to bringing the story of saints to the stage and screen through his company Saint Luke Productions. He’s told the stories of St. Maximilian Kolbe and St. Francis, as well as the more
In 1858, four Sisters of St. Ann traveled from Montreal to Canada’s West Coast aboard the SS Seabird with Victoria’s first Bishop, Modeste Demers (a relative of their current Bishop!).  They made the two-month voyage via a circuitous route through the Isthmus of Panama. Their goal was to aid the Bishop in his mission to more
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Benedict XVI advanced the sainthood causes of 35 candidates, including Canadian Christian Brother Adolphe Chatillon. During a meeting April 2 with Cardinal Angelo Amato, prefect of the Congregation for Saints’ Causes, the pope signed a decree recognizing that Brother Chatillon lived the Christian virtues more
Last week, the Downtown Chapel in Portland, Oregon, made a special announcement:  they’re changing their parish name.  A recent degree by the Archbishop of Portland will change the Church’s patronage from St. Vincent de Paul to the Congregation of Holy Cross’ first saint, St. André Bessette. For any of you who have seen the documentary more
The Church is rejoicing today as the Vatican announced that Pope John Paul II will be declared “Blessed.” Our own, Fr. Thomas Rosica penned a message from WYD Madrid meetings noting the excitement at the meetings over the news.  He also explained the significance of the beatification date of May 1st, shared that the Polish more