BLOG: Benedict XVI,Pope Francis,Twitter
Preparing World Youth Day requires more than just spiritual and pastoral work. There's also practical preparation that needs to be done. more
Last week we saw what happens during the rite of Confirmation. This week, let’s wrap it up. We started off by looking at the Gifts of the Spirit. I think everyone learns about the Gifts of the Spirit when they prepare for Confirmation. I’m not sure about you, but I sometimes find it hard to more
On World Environmental Day, Join Salt+Light as we pray for the protection of our environment with this special excerpt taken from Pope Francis' Encyclical Laudato Si'. more
Join us in prayer for the intentions entrusted to us by Pope Francis. For June 2018, we join the Holy Father in praying for: That economists may have the courage to reject any economy of exclusion and know how to open new paths. more
Read the full text of the Homily of Pope Francis for the Solemnity of Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ taken place on June 3, 2018. more
Read Part 4 of Deacon Pedro's catechesis on the Sacrament of Confirmation, in which he lays out for us what actually happens during the Sacrament. more
What does it mean to be a martyr? That’s the question we tried to answer last week. It’s a question that we all need to think about because it is directly related to following Christ. If we want to follow Jesus, He said, we must pick up our Cross. Following Jesus will always lead to more
The Visitation springs forth as Mary’s response to receiving Jesus in the Incarnation: it is a response that calls her outwards, to the outskirts, to the hill country, to bear “good news” and go out in joyful love and service. more
Deacon Pedro continues his exploration of the sacrament of Confirmation by looking at its connection with Baptism. more
In honour of the birthday of Padre Pio, we present you with this article written by Dr. Ines Angeli Murzaku on the occasion of the pilgrimage of his major relic to Boston in 2016. more