BLOG: Bible/Biblical Reflections,Deacon-structing,
The path of the missionary disciple is a beautiful adventure full of joy and blessing, but at the same time a difficult and complex challenge. more
Deacon Pedro explores the intriguing story of the daughters of Philip, including St. Hermione, who prophesied in the early Church. more
Marie Anne Torres reflects on the story of the woman who was healed by touching Jesus' clothing and what message it has for us today. more
Deacon Pedro explores some of the important women of the early Church, including Proba, St. Thecla, and two St. Macrinas. more
What if there was an entirely other existence, more real than the one you're in? Mark Matthews reflects on what Jesus' miracles teach us. more
Deacon Pedro continues his study of the Church Fathers by telling us about the Desert Fathers, who lived lives of simplicity in the Egyptian desert. more
Sometimes it seems that all our good efforts produce little fruit. The Gospel reminds us that even the tiny mustard seed can grow into a mighty tree. more
Deacon Pedro continues his exploration of Church Fathers with the Syriac Fathers, important teachers who lived in the East and wrote in Syriac. more
Entering into communion | Word Alive
Gerard Gallagher
June 4, 2021
On the feast of Corpus Christi, Gerard Gallagher reflects on how we enter into communion with one another through the gift of the Eucharist. more
Continuing his exploration of Church Fathers, Deacon Pedro takes a look at the group known as the Latin, or Western, Fathers. more