BLOG: Bible/Biblical Reflections,Deacon-structing,
God’s unexpected voice | Word Alive
Rev. Gregory Dyson
September 24, 2021
Like with the prophets in this Sunday's reading, God often speaks to us in ways we least expect. The question is: Are you listening? more
Last week we began exploring the Shroud of Turin. What more can we determine from studying it? Is the man of the shroud Jesus? more
The Shroud of Turin, believed to be the burial shroud of Jesus Christ, has revealed some startling facts about the man it once contained. more
Stepping stone or stumbling block? | Word Alive
Steve Lawrence
September 10, 2021
Those who promote acts of love, like St. Maximilian Kolbe, are stepping stones to God, but those who oppose love are stumbling blocks. more
When Jesus cures a man who is deaf-mute, he is healing a spiritual disability as well as a physical one. In what way might Jesus be calling you to unmute? more
In the hand or on the tongue? Deacon Pedro looks at these two ways of receiving Communion and what the Church has to say about them. more
Jesus is not advocating for a lack of cleanliness. He is calling us to make the ritual of our faithfulness a reflection of the true state of our soul. more
Deacon Pedro discusses how and how often we should receive Communion. more
As one flesh | Word Alive
Jovina James
August 20, 2021
God does not ask spouses to be silos working side by side but to sacrifice their desires, to be subject to one another, to give without counting the cost. more
Deacon Pedro Guevara-Mann reflects on Communion in the days of the Apostles and looks at evidence for the practice in the early Church. more