BLOG: Bible/Biblical Reflections,Reflections,Saints and Blesseds
The law of life | Word Alive
Sr. Nathalie Becquart, xmcj
March 5, 2021
Sr. Nathalie Becquart reflects on the readings for the Third Sunday of Lent and what they tell us about God's law and its meaning for our life. more
Deacon Pedro Guevara-Mann reflects further on St. Teresa of Avila's four stages of prayer and how we move forward in our relationship with God. more
Letting go of God’s gifts | Word Alive
Fr. Peter Skudra
February 26, 2021
When we hear the story of Abraham's sacrifice this Second Sunday of Lent, we might ask ourselves, "What good things are we too attached to?" more
Amid so many challenges facing our world at this time, what if this Lent we focused on becoming the Church that the world needs today? more
Deacon Pedro Guevara-Mann takes us through the first four stages of prayer described in St. Teresa's spiritual classic, The Interior Castle. more
40 days | Word Alive
Brett Salkeld
February 19, 2021
The Bible is full of references to the number 40. Brett Salkeld reflects on its relationship to baptism and why it's important for our Lent. more
Jesus touches the Untouchable! | Word Alive
Fr. Stan Chu Ilo
February 12, 2021
By healing a leper with his touch, Jesus teaches us that, as Christians, we must step into the world of the poor and of human suffering. more
For many of us, this pandemic has shown us what's important in life. What have we learned about ourselves over these past 12 months? more
Vivian Cabrera reflects on how Job speaks right to the heart of what we are all experiencing during the COVID-19 pandemic. more
Who on earth has authority? | Word Alive
Gillian Kantor
January 29, 2021
In our society today, it seems everyone has an opinion and no one wants to be told what to do. So who is right? And who on earth has authority? more