BLOG: Bible/Biblical Reflections,Reflections,Saints and Blesseds
Of all the saints that have lived and died in the city of Rome, only St. Philip Neri is called the "Apostle of Rome". What makes him so special? more
Why stand looking? | Word Alive
Deacon Eric Gurash
May 22, 2020
"He will come in the same way you saw him go," the angels said after the Ascension. What did they mean by that and what does it mean for us today? more
The reason for our hope | Word Alive
Brett Salkeld
May 15, 2020
When we use the weapons Christ gives us – weapons that don’t even seem like real weapons – we find God giving us the victory. more
God chose us and calls us His own, and He desires for us to journey with Him. But what happens when we try to take control and end up on the wrong path? more
When we are lost in the fog and abyss of regret, mistakes, and brokenness, feeling alone and hopeless, how can we hear the voice of the Shepherd in our day? more
In 1374, St. Catherine of Siena's hometown experienced an outbreak of the bubonic plague. What can we learn from this great saint and her approach to life? more
Along the road of faith | Word Alive
Dan Schutte
April 24, 2020
Faith is about our willingness to make a journey with Jesus as our travelling companion. But how often do we fail to recognize him? more
The Mass readings for this Sunday were written long ago, and yet they ring true for us today. What words of comfort and mission can we take away from them? more
Read Marc's story of a 90-day journey of self-denial and spiritual enrichment that drew him closer to his friends, his family, and the Lord. more
How do we celebrate Easter when our world has turned upside down? Sr. Marie Paul Curley gives us a good model to follow this Easter: Saint Mary Magdalene. more