BLOG: St. André Bessette,Trailers,Videos
The Catholic Church in Canada will have another saint to call its own come this fall. There was no doubting the holiness of Blessed André Bessette, CSC, but come Sunday, October 17th, the Miracle Man of Montreal will be officially recognized as a Saint by the universal Church. The date was announced in Rome today more
My morning routine always begins by checking the Holy See Press Office’s Bollettino, or its English counterpart, the Vatican Information Service. While not all of the communiqués seem relevant to my work—bishop appointments to Switzerland, the creation of a new diocese in Malaysia—other announcements can be electrifying. Like today, the Vatican hinted at the imminent more
Ite ad Joseph. That’s the inscription below the statue of Joseph in front of St. Joseph’s Oratory in Montreal. Go to Joseph. It’s a famous instruction by Blessed Brother André Bessette, CSC, who’s feast day we celebrate today. Of his devotion to Joseph, Fr. H.P. Bergeron, CSC, one of the humble brother’s contemporaries, writes in more
As seen on the Monday, December 21st edition of Zoom, Pope Benedict elevated John Paul II and Pius XII to the status of “venerable” on Saturday, moving the two popes closer to beatification. These were two of 21 decrees made public by the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints. The Holy Father confirmed a more
Yesterday, I wrote about my trip to Laval, Quebec and began to list five things that we can do to help alleviate the feeling that our faith is a burden. I continue today with items four and five. Four: The Saints We’re called to be saints, so let’s learn about them! These holy men and more
“Pray for my conversion.” I remember coming across these words when reading about Brother Andre Bessette, the pious porter who was known as the miracle maker of Mount Royal, in Quebec. It struck me as an odd statement. Brother Andre, proclaimed blessed in May 1982, was a very holy man. How could a living saint more