BLOG: Canada,Current Affairs,Deacon-structing
Deacon Pedro shares four insights that he has learned about suffering from experiences in his own life. more
The Bible is full of violence and suffering, and it is full of innocent sufferers. Deacon Pedro looks at some instructive examples. more
Canada is about to expand the criteria for euthanasia to make it more accessible. Julian Paparella tells us why, as Catholics, we should speak out. more
Deacon Pedro explores the voice of illness in the context of pastoral ministry. more
Jesus always confronted suffering with healing, with forgiveness of sins, and by offering hope and comfort. What can we learn from his example? more
There is a voice inside all of us that cries out, "Where is God?" When faced with this "voice of illness" in others, how should we respond? more
There is a voice of illness inside each of us which cries out, "Where is God?" Deacon Pedro reflects on our search for meaning in our brokenness. more
Watch this conversation with Bishop William McGrattan and Dr. Moira McQueen on Bill C-7 and the proposed euthanasia expansion in Canada. more
Deacon Pedro explains how a proposed law - Bill C-7 - is attempting to reduce restrictions and safeguards on euthanasia in Canada. more
In our Catholic tradition, we have four feasts celebrating the dedication of churches in Rome. Deacon Pedro explains why. more