BLOG: Canada,Current Affairs,Deacon-structing
The great damage inflicted among Indigenous Peoples by the colonizing projects in North America/Turtle Island, including the far too frequent complicity of the churches with them, is something that can hardly be overstated. more
On Wednesday, October 25, the Salt + Light Media original documentary Walking Together was awarded the Prix Excellence (Award of Excellence) from AMéCO, the Montreal-based Catholic and Ecumenical Media Association. more
Deacon Pedro reflects on Laudate Deum, Laudato Si', and the call for people to do something about the climate crisis. more
The Canadian Council of Churches at 80 | One Body
Sr. Donna Geernaert, SC
August 24, 2023
In 2024, The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) celebrates the 80th anniversary of its founding. more
This has truly been a World Youth Day of words. While the main theme prompts us to reflect on the verbs "to arise" and "to go with haste," many other words jumped out at me as well. more
The theme for World Youth Day, Lisbon 2023 came from the first chapter of the Gospel of Luke: “Mary arose and went with haste” (1:39). more
The Holy Father’s Apostolic Visit to Canada: Looking Back One Year Later
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
July 26, 2023
Press Release: Today, we remember that a year ago, His Holiness Pope Francis came to Canada to undertake a “penitential pilgrimage.” more
“Blessed are you among women…” (Luke 1:42) How many times have we said those words? Thousands of times, maybe not even thinking about what we’re saying. more
The Old Testament reading for this Sunday seems to be a series of non sequiturs, or sentences cobbled together like the collection of Proverbs. The “Servant of the Lord” goes from a teacher, to a listening and obedient student, to a victim of horrendous torture. more
Thanks to dialogue with Indigenous peoples, “the Church has acquired a greater awareness of  their sufferings, past and present, due to the expropriation of their lands … as well as the  policies of forced assimilation, promoted by the governmental authorities of the time, intended to eliminate their Indigenous cultures,” according to a “Joint Statement” issued by the Dicastery  for Culture and Education and the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, and published on Thursday. more