BLOG: Canada,Current Affairs
Deacon Pedro reveals the surprising impact of human trafficking in Canada and introduces a panel of experts who will discuss the issue later this month. more
Today is World Environment Day. Allyson Kenny writes about taking part in the Toronto "School Strike for Climate" march and shares a video of the event. more
On this 2nd anniversary of the Quebec mosque attack, Sebastian Gomes reflects on the importance of interfaith dialogue and building a culture of encounter. more
Sebastian Gomes looks at the Government's revision to the Canada Summer Jobs Program attestation and what it may or may not mean for Catholic organizations. more
Pope Francis has just authorized an update to the Church's teaching on the death penalty. Why is the development of doctrine so necessary? more
Read what Sebastian Gomes has to say about Jeff Sessions, fundamentalism, and why Catholics today have a responsibility to be biblically literate. more
Sebastian Gomes talks about and reflects on a new and complex story with far-reaching implications. Read his reflection: 'The Chilean crisis: Lessons on reform and leadership from Pope Francis.' more
Sebastian Gomes reflects on how Trudeau's Government and the Catholic opponents of Pope Francis are similar, bringing forth a view many of us would never expect. more
The Catholic Church celebrates St. Josephs’ feast day on March 19. St. Joseph is the patron saint of husbands, fathers, families, homes and workers. Joseph is also believed to protect pregnant women, travelers, immigrants and people buying or selling homes. In 1870, St. Joseph was declared patron of the universal Church and he is also more
It’s now Canada’s 150th birthday and we Canadians are celebrating 150 years of Canadian Confederation. You can’t talk about the Catholic Church’s contribution to Canada over the past 150 years without looking at these 5 interesting facts that have made Canada uniquely Catholic. more