BLOG: Catholic Focus,Photo of the Day,Saints and Blesseds,The Producer Diaries,Videos
Will the pope step in and mediate the political crisis that’s tearing the country of Venezuela apart? On the one hand, the country has a president who’s held onto power by allegedly fraudulent means and, on the other hand, his rival, who has been declared president-elect with the support of the people. Now, with both more
As the Fifth Crusade raged along the Nile, two famous holy men met. Read about the encounter between St. Francis of Assisi and Sultan al-Malik al-Kamil. more
This year during WYD the Church happened to celebrate the memorials of some very memorable saints. Deacon Pedro explains why they are also relevant for WYD. more
Last week was all about the 34th World Youth Day as the pope travelled to Panama to be with the youth in what is the largest single gathering of Catholic youth in the world. Yet, despite all the festivities, the Holy Father took a moment to address the clerical abuse scandal during a private luncheon on more
The next World Youth Day will take place in 2022 in Lisbon, Portugal. Check out this cool video inviting the youth of the world to Portugal. more
Horse or no horse? And does it really matter? Fr. Matt Gworek takes a unique approach to examining the conversion of St. Paul. more
From the earliest moments of the Church, women have served as deacons, ministering to those in-need in their communities. But over the centuries, that important role was somehow lost. Now, with the recent movement towards greater female leadership in the Church, the question of women’s ordination to the diaconate has resurfaced. In tonight’s program, we more
Fr. Matt Gworek reflects on the life of St. Anthony the Great, the great ascetic, mystic, and inspiration of the early Church. How can he inspire us today? more
How long should we celebrate Christmas? 1 day? 8? 20? 40? Allyson Kenny explains how the Church observes Christmas and why in this interesting short video. more
Sit down with producer and director Sebastian Gomes as he talks about his brand new documentary: Magisterium of the People. more