BLOG: Coast to Coast,Saints and Blesseds,Special Events,Year of Mercy
The brutal attacks in Paris last Friday have sparked an impassioned conversation that has sadly, though necessarily, become part of our everyday lives, namely, what are we going to do about this? The draconian responses of the French government in pursuit of the perpetrators and against ISIS strongholds in Syria are understandable. So too is their more
What a time to be alive! Pope Francis has just concluded an intense three-week meeting with his brother bishops and cardinals and the whole world is abuzz! Officially, it was called the 14th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and the Contemporary more
Kerry Weber, author of “Mercy in the City,” reflects on the Scriptural roots of the corporal works of mercy. This video is part of a new series of reflections on Scripture from America and the American Bible Society. more
Here are a few things that we’ve been reading about across the country this week: In Antigonish, NS a significant donation to St. Francis Xavier University means more people who would not normally have access to post-secondary education will not get that access. In Toronto, the Archdiocese is on track to bring 100 refugee families more
Here’s a look at what’s been going on church-wise across the country: The landscape of religious life is growing in Vancouver: two Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist have arrived and have taken on active roles in the archdiocese. One of sisters shared her vocation story with the faithful. Meanwhile, the Archdiocese of Regina celebrates 100 more
Homily of His Holiness Pope Francis Mass of the Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Canonization of Four Saints Sunday October 18, 2015 On Sunday, October 18, 2015, Pope Francis celebrated the Canonization Mass of four Saints: Saint Vincent Grossi, Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception and Saints Louis Martin and Marie-Azélie Guérin. Read the full text of his more
Here’s some of what we’ve been reading across Canada this week: The Synod of Bishops has four Canadian bishops participating. Cardinal Thomas Collins shared his synod talk this week. It’s been about five months since Pope Francis’ encyclical on human ecology “Laudato Si” was released. Here is a look at how one religious community in more
“The good Lord gave me a father and a mother more worthy of Heaven than of earth”. Photo: CNS/Paul Haring These words come to us from Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Carmelite nun and youngest daughter of Louis and Zélie Martin. Their names will soon be added to the book of saints next October more
Here’s what’s been going on across the country this week: In Vancouver, where the permanent diaconate program has only been in place for about two years, another group of candidates have started the journey towards ordained ministry. In Saskatoon, a controversial “conscientious objection” policy was passed this week by the province’s College of Physicians and more
The first time I heard of Archbishop Oscar Romero was during my Grade 12 religion class. Now, religion was the last class of the day and so there was every reason to just skip it. Something that Mr. Whitebread (no kidding, that was his surname) was all too aware of, and took measures against. His more