BLOG: Current Affairs,Faith Education,United States
I'm a firm believer that the more we understand the faith of our elder brothers and sisters, the more we will come to understand and deepen our own faith. I hope that this series brings you closer to the beautiful mystery of Easter. more
Pope Francis has granted a plenary indulgence opportunity for the 100th anniversary of the Our Lady of Fatima apparitions throughout the centennial year, from the 27th of November 2016 till the 26th of November 2017. There are three ways to obtain the indulgence, detailed in a statement from the Fatima Shrine in Portugal. Three Ways more
It is always amazing how Jesus speaks to us through the hearts of children. Watch The Good Shepherd and walk with Jesus, the Good Shepherd, from the Last Supper, his arrest, passion and crucifixion, with the help of the imagination and words of children. The Good Shepherd was made in partnership with the Office of more
Another beautiful Liturgy that takes place during Holy Week is one that is not attended by most lay people, but nevertheless has its importance and place during Holy Week. It is the Chrism Mass. more
So far we’ve looked a little bit about why Lent has a baptismal character and we’ve looked at a particular component of the Catechumenate, the Rite of Election. Before we go on, let me explain a bit more why it’s important to keep Baptism at the centre of our Lent. It’s not j ust that more
When you think of Lent, what do you think of? Do you think of feasting or fasting? Do you think of partying or penance? How many of you, when you think of Lent, think of Baptism? Surely the Catechumens, those preparing for Baptism at Easter, who do their final preparations during Lent are thinking of more
Today, we had the great pleasure of welcoming the Niagara Catholic Chaplaincy leaders to our office and studios for a professional development and workshop day. We started the day with morning prayer and a short history of Salt + Light by Fr. Thomas Rosica. We then headed into our morning sessions led by Deacon Pedro more
The quest for the unity of all Christians depends above all on God’s grace. Peace, reconciliation, mutual understanding and forgiveness, communion in faith and love–are all gifts from the Father in the Son through the Holy Spirit. There is also the question of overcoming the theological controversies that divided the Churches in the first place. more
A few weeks ago, I went to a mass of celebration for Sr. Corazon Beboso, FMA's 40th Anniversary of Religious Profession (Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco). Sr. Cora is one of my super learning models. Her youthful and energetic heart is always a booster drink for my soul. “Yes Lord, Yes Lord. Yes Yes Lord… Amen, Amen” is her favorite song. I would guess she has sang this song at every single event I have attended. And, we celebrated her “YES” to the Lord for 40 years. more
“I echo the desire of many in expressing my hope that the objectives outlined by the Paris Agreement do not remain simply as good words, but rather that they are transformed into courageous decisions!“ Pope Francis, Message for World Food Day, Oct. 14, 2016 Small family farmers are at the heart of ecological justice.  That’s the message Development more