BLOG: Current Affairs,Pope Francis
Jesus is the vine; we are the branches. Like a patient farmer, God, the merciful and good Father, tenderly cultivates us so that our lives may be filled with much fruit. more
It's wonderful to see you! Being together allows us to share the wonder that we are, even if just through a prayer, a look, and a smile. more
I very much wanted to come to the Venice Art Biennale to return a visit, as is the good custom among friends. Last June, in fact, I had the joy of welcoming a large group of artists to the Sistine Chapel. more
Dear sisters, dear brothers! We are all brothers and sisters, all of us, and no-one can disown the other, no-one! more
The Holy See Press Office released the program for Pope Francis' trip to Venice coming up this Sunday more
In recent weeks we have reflected on the cardinal virtues: prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. They are the four cardinal virtues. more
Today I will talk about the fourth and final cardinal virtue: temperance. With the other three, this virtue shares a history that goes far back in time and does not only belong to Christians. more
Today’s catechesis is dedicated to the third of the cardinal virtues, namely fortitude. more
In this month of April, Pope Francis invites us to pray that the dignity and worth of women be recognised in every culture, and for an end to the discrimination they face in various parts of the world. more
Here we are at the second of the cardinal virtues: today we will talk about justice. more