BLOG: Deacon-structing,Environment,
In the lead up to COP21—the landmark international climate change summit in Paris—a massive climate mobilization has started happening around the world. On Sunday, November 29 at Queen’s Park in downtown Toronto, an event called “Light the Way to Climate Action” saw thousands of people come together of all faiths and backgrounds to stand in more
This photo taken in Basilica of St Denis in Paris, where the petition delivery event took place on November 28. Bernd Nilles, Secretary General of CIDSE; Yeb Saño, leader of the People’s Pilgrimage; Tomás Insua, Global Coordinator of the Global Catholic Climate Movement; Mgr Josef Sayer, Misereor (Germany); Cardinal Cláudio Hummes OFM, President of Pan-Amazonian more
Many people have asked me either how we came to work on a project about the environment, or how we ended up with the format that we ended up with. My response is always that we began with one question, “why should we care for the environment?” and we tried to be honest and thorough more
On Thursday, November 26, 2015, Pope Francis address the United Nations Office at Nairobi. Below you will find the full text of his prepared remarks: Address of His Holiness Pope Francis Nairobi, Visit to U.N.O.N. Thursday, November 26, 2015 I would like to thank Madame Sahle-Work Zewde, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Nairobi, for more
Listening to all the readings at Mass about the end of times at this time of the year makes you wonder if we should be proclaiming them as “the Good News!” Recently while visiting my parents I found a book titled, “The Final Hour.” It’s about all the end-time prophecies. I have to be honest, more
Last week we learned that the Church loves the poor. We have what we call a “preferential option for the poor.” The Church has been very good at caring for the poor and the needy worldwide. So why did Cardinal Hummes of Brazil tell Cardinal Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, to “remember the poor”? Perhaps because more
I would love you to meet Sherry. I’m not sure how she spells her name, but she told me her name was Sherry. I see her often, sitting outside the Royal Bank at the corner of King and Jarvis in Toronto. She sits there listening to her small red radio. Sometimes I give her change. more
Deacon-structing: All Saints with Deacon Pedro, in honour of All Saints day. more
A few months ago a group of us at Salt and Light signed up for Community Supported Agriculture program with Willo Wind Farms, you can read more about that here. And now that the Fall is upon us and we’re nearing the end of the season here’s what I took away: Everything tasted way, way better more
When my wife and I got married we received many gifts. A group of my mom’s friends gave us what we thought was a pious, if not most unusual gift: a crucifix. With it was a card that read, “every time you gaze on this cross, remember that this is how you must love each more