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If you’re in the Church, it’s becoming harder and harder to ignore our missionary call. This something Pope Francis has continually talked about since his first year of papacy: go out to the peripheries; get out of the sacristies; go and make disciples of all nations. In a way, the ground was prepared by Pope more
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Good journalism has to be creative and promote communication that focuses on dialogue, intelligence and helping build active communities, said the prefect of the Vatican Dicastery for Communication. Paolo Ruffini, the prefect, said the challenge of good journalism is to find new ways for a new kind of communication by “focusing more
As we await further details of Pope Francis' promised visit to Canada, Deacon Pedro takes a look back at two earlier papal visits. more
As many things start returning to a pre-COVID "normal", Deacon Pedro reflects on 5 pandemic adjustments he hopes we keep. more
As we embark on the season of Lent this week, Deacon Pedro looks at the practice of fasting and abstinence. What is it? And why do we do it? more
Are war and violence an inescapable part of human nature? Benjamin Boivin explains what the Catholic Church teaches us about the nature of war. more
Deacon Pedro continues exploring canonization by looking more closely at the process by which holy people are declared saints in the Catholic Church. more
Marie Anne Torres shares some relatively easy yet fruitful activities to help your family grow in faith and live out your faith together. more
How does the Catholic Church go about "making saints"? Deacon Pedro gives us a brief history of canonization. more
Deacon Pedro explores the 2022 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and its theme, “We saw the star in the East, and we came to worship him.” more