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We started looking at the papacy and some history as explained in the In Your Faith episode, Who is the Pope? and then last time we looked at why we have popes. Today, let’s continue with some interesting facts about the papacy. As soon as a pope dies, all cardinals under the age of 80 more
Last time we were looking at some interesting facts about the papacy as presented in the In Your Faith episode, Who is the Pope? We learned that the history of the papacy is as varied as it is interesting. But why do we have popes in the first place? There’s a lot of confusion as more
I remember 8 years ago when we heard about the new Pope, Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI. I have to be honest, it was a difficult news to digest since we were still mourning the loss of John Paul II. At the time we were working on the second season of our teen series, more
  If you click the image above, you will be led to an interactive media element showing you the details of the upcoming Papal Conclave. This is really cool and full of fascinating information. This makes learning about the upcoming conclave fun. Source: * Please consider donating to Salt + Light this Lent more
A few weeks ago, during a homily, I suggested that we should take the opportunity of this Year of Faith to do what the Holy Father has proposed: That we learn about our Faith; that we live our Faith and that we share our Faith. Soon after, I thought, ‘why don’t we make this a more
As I begin writing this,  I can say that my preparation for an early autumn 2013 profession of perpetual vows and ordination to the diaconate has officially begun, with the blessing of my religious Congregation, the Basilian Fathers. My Basilian journey, which began with my Associate year in 2007-2008, and the coming months of preparation more
As the week began with news of the 37 foreigners killed during the Algerian gas-plant hostage-taking, I began thinking about what else is happening around the world: Toronto: Court watches video of the death of Ashley Smith. Ashley killed herself in her prison cell while guards looked on from the outside. They say they were more
Message of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI Pontifical Council for Social Communications 47th World Communications Day Social Networks: portals of truth and faith; new spaces for evangelization Dear Brothers and Sisters, As the 2013 World Communications Day draws near, I would like to offer you some reflections on an increasingly important reality regarding the way in more
 By Leanna Cappiello New York (S+L) Welcome to the new year! Since surviving the sorrows and savoring the successes of 2012, everyone is asking the same question, “What’s your New Year’s resolution?” The top 3 answers I get when I ask this question are: lose weight, cut spending, and get organized. I see the effects more
Near the end of last year I wrote about the attitude of openness and adaptation to the modern world which permeated the ecclesiology of John XXIII and Paul VI, and found concrete expression at Vatican II and in the creation of the permanent Synod of Bishops. (Read it here) From there we now jump forward more