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Catholic News Service recently interviewed 97 year old Archbishop Loris Capovilla. Archbishop Capovilla was prelate of the sanctuary of the Holy House of Loreto, Italy for many years. Before that however, he was the personal secretary to Pope John XXIII. He had a privileged vantage point for Vatican II, he saw the circumstances that lead more
Earlier today, the Permanent Council for the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops released a pastoral letter on freedom of conscience and religion. Issued by the CCCB’s Permanent Council, the letter expresses concern about an “aggressive relativism” in Canada that seeks to relegate religion to the private sphere. More than that, the Permanent Council explains why more
Today is Canada Health Day, and we thought it was the perfect opportunity to celebrate the contributions of Saint Elizabeth Health Care to Canadian society. Mary Rose Bacani interviews Shirlee Sharkey (President & CEO of Saint Elizabeth Health Care), Michael Decter (Chair), and Nancy Lefebre (Senior Vice-President of Knowledge and Practice) on Saint Elizabeth Health more
The rosary is a powerful prayer, and once you start praying you realize the effects it has on your life. But what is the rosary? It is necessary for us Catholics pray it? So the rosary is a form of prayer, and to understand it and to know more about it, Pedro invited Fr. James Phalan more
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a Catholic priest? People have many different ideas about the priesthood – highly revered, considered peculiar, disregarded as irrelevant or simply misunderstood. On the other hand, many people have an idea that priesthood is a boring and secluded way of life! Think again. Come more
Why is the practice of religion such a universal phenomenon throughout the history of cultures? Do religions still have a role to play in the secularized countries of the 21st century? Are religions currently evolving in pluralistic societies? An exhibit at the Canadian Museum of Civilization, entitled God(s): a User’s Guide, provides the inspiration for more
Could you forgive someone who killed your child? I suspect most of you would say yes, you would at least try, if only because the alternative would be a lifetime of anger. But would you ever be able to accept that this murderer could avoid punishment, so long as he confessed to his crime? And more
Dublin, Ireland will host the 50th International Eucharistic Congress, June 10-17th, 2012. This is the second time Ireland will host the Universal Church, the last time being in 1932. Join host Cheridan Eygelaar as she speaks with Father Kevin Doran, Secretary General of IEC 2012, about the Congress that celebrates the summit and source of more
The month of May – the month the church dedicated to Mary – serves as a good excuse to get familiar with Marian devotions around the world, Marian artwork, and most importantly what we can learn about Christ and our faith by looking at Mary. Once again we turn to our friend Fr. Jim Phalan, more
This past Sunday was the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. For many of us, the image of a priest or religious comes to mind when we say ‘vocation’ but there’s also the permanent diaconate. Meet these great men, who’ve said yes to the call to serve. Host Pedro Guevara Mann explores the permanent diaconate. more