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Deacon Pedro continues his study of the Church Fathers by telling us about the Desert Fathers, who lived lives of simplicity in the Egyptian desert. more
Deacon Pedro continues his exploration of Church Fathers with the Syriac Fathers, important teachers who lived in the East and wrote in Syriac. more
Continuing his exploration of Church Fathers, Deacon Pedro takes a look at the group known as the Latin, or Western, Fathers. more
Deacon Pedro continues his study of the Church Fathers with an exploration of the men we call the "Greek Fathers". more
Read the full text of Pope Francis' homily for Pentecost Sunday, given in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican on May 23, 2021. more
In different tongues | Word Alive
Carissa Douglas
May 21, 2021
At Pentecost, the apostles received a gift which enabled them to cross linguistic boundaries and penetrate hearts. Carissa Douglas reflects. more
How does God work in your life? How is God at work in the world today? The answer is someone we can easily forget about: the Holy Spirit. more
Want to know all about our Church Fathers? Deacon Pedro begins an exploration of who they were and why they are so important to us today. more
Inhale before exhale | Word Alive
Susan HooKong-Taylor
May 14, 2021
Susan HooKong-Taylor reflects on Jesus' Ascension into heaven: what it meant for the apostles then and what it means for us today. more
The series concludes by looking at Teresa of Avila, Catherine of Siena, Therese of Lisieux, John of Avila, Hildegard of Bingen, and Gregory of Narek. more