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Last Sunday we listened to the account of the Passion of the Lord. Jesus responds to the sufferings He endures with a virtue that, although it is not considered among the traditional ones, is so important: patience. more
We are devoting today’s catechesis to the virtue of prudence. Along with justice, fortitude, and temperance, it is one of the so-called cardinal virtues, more
In our catechetical journey on the vices and virtues, today we come to the last of the vices: pride. more
February 8th was the feast of St. Josephine Bakhita, who was enslaved as a child and brought from Sudan to Italy in the late 19th century. more
Lent immerses us in a bath of purification and of self-spoliation: it helps us to remove all the cosmetics that we use in order to appear presentable, better than we really are. more
Learn about the cultural and spiritual heritage of the Maronites, from their roots in Lebanon to the horizons of the world. more
Some friends of mine recently undertook a little renovation project in their home: nothing major – just a couple of bathrooms, a laundry room and a fresh coat of paint on some walls. more
On the fourth week of Advent, our protagonist is Mary. more
It’s the third week in Advent and our character is Elizabeth. more
Our character for the second week of Advent is John the Baptist. more