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The story of the Five Loaves and Two Fish or the Feeding of the Multitudes is the only miracle story that appears in all four Gospels. So it's important! more
US Senator Bernie Sanders admires Pope Francis for his approach to helping the poor and the suffering, which is deeper and more radical than his own! more
Gynacolate sounds like diaconate, but it isn't. It's a ministry that is lay, missionary, and feminine. Something new coming to the Church? more
In this #TFImoment, Sr. Beth Davies recounts how Pope Francis' meeting with people suffering from Huntington’s disease inspired her to greater compassion. more
What is a missionary? What is the mission of the Church? Deacon Pedro presents a perspective from the 5th Missionary Congress of the Americas in Bolivia. more
On Thursday, June 28, 2018, Fr. Rob Galea concelebrated Mass at S+L. He offered this beautiful homily on the importance of falling in love with God. more
In this #TFImoment, Cardinal Kevin Farrell discusses the impact Pope Francis has had on the world through his gift of authenticity - of walking the talk. more
Read the last installment of Deacon Pedro's series on Sacraments in which he discusses mystery, Christ's presence, and Sacramentals. more
"I've Got a Question For You" is S+L's brand new comedy web series exploring issues relevant to Catholics today - sometimes in unexpected ways. more
Read what Sebastian Gomes has to say about Jeff Sessions, fundamentalism, and why Catholics today have a responsibility to be biblically literate. more