BLOG: Deacon-structing,Family LIfe,
Cheridan Sanders chats with Andrea Lefebvre mother of 5, about Yukon-living, open-door hospitality and the call to live as a lay missionary. It takes a special kind of person to venture out and live in the Yukon. With an average temperature of -22 degrees celsius in the winter months and a population of less than more
This is a reflection for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, year B. The readings are Wisdom 1:13-15, 2:23-24; Psalm 30; 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15 and Mark 5:21-43. God did not make death. That’s what I kept thinking last Saturday. You see, I was in Poland and last Saturday I had the chance to more
Laudato Si is so complete and so radical that it will take years for us to unpack it fully. There is a lot there, but one of the themes that has most moved me (and this was not surprising) is encapsulated by this statement from the introduction: “The violence present in our hearts, wounded by more
Very few of us would argue that we have to care for the environment, in fact Pope Francis has said that it is our moral duty to care for Creation (Morning Homily from Feb 9, 2015). How does this notion square with the idea that Scripture tells us to dominate and subdue the earth? I more
A few events the last couple weeks have led me to today’s reflection. Primarily, the fact that the Vatican has announced that Pope Francis will be releasing his second Encyclical later this month and that the topic of this papal document is the ecology. Add to that, the incredible response the news has garnered from more
The problem with holiness is that we don’t think it’s for us. We believe that we are made for Heaven. We believe that God wants us to go to Heaven, but how many of us would say that we belong in Heaven? How many of us would say that we are going to Heaven? Sure, more
Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington, is calling on Catholics to live their Christian identity in public as well as in their own spiritual lives. The cardinal on Sunday issued a pastoral letter, Being Catholic Today: Catholic Identity in an Age of Challenge. The cardinal notes that a key part of the pastoral letter reflects on “our freedom to more
As a single Canadian man transplanted into Los Angeles, I’m morbidly interested in the dysfunctional dating culture here.  We have perhaps the highest density of young adults anywhere, yet the most bemoaning and anguish of those unable to find love. Countless stories of bad dating manners and gender role dysfunction abound. Not surprising then to more
Last time ,we looked at what Scriptures tell us about Heaven. Perhaps we do know more about Heaven than we think. Well, I guess, at least we know with certainty that we are going to die. So what happens when we die? We believe that we will be judged for our actions during this life. But more
I was at the March for Life last Thursday, on the day that most places around the world celebrated the Feast of the Ascension. Here in Canada we celebrate it today, the Sunday after the 6th Sunday in Easter. After the March, as I was reflecting about it, I started thinking about how the life more