BLOG: Deacon-structing,Family LIfe,Life and Family
March 21 marks the start of spring and Mother's Day in many countries. It evokes nostalgic memories for me, as it does for many others who celebrate their mothers on this day. more
February 8th was the feast of St. Josephine Bakhita, who was enslaved as a child and brought from Sudan to Italy in the late 19th century. more
Is it possible for an indisputably flawed person to be an angel in disguise? That’s a question viewers grapple with when they meet Sharon Stevens (Hilary Swank), a hairdresser with an unhealthy attachment to alcohol. more
Euthanasia is becoming accessible to an increasing number of Canadians. What should we know about these changes? more
On the fourth week of Advent, our protagonist is Mary. more
It’s the third week in Advent and our character is Elizabeth. more