BLOG: Deacon-structing,Jubilee of Mercy,Pope Francis
Read this reflection on Austen Ivereigh's new interview with Pope Francis and how we are called to approach this time of crisis with creativity. more
Pope Francis and others at the Vatican have been taking practical measures to help those affected by COVID-19. Matteo gives us the view from Rome. more
What's so special about Holy Week? Deacon Pedro reflects on this sacred time in the Christian calendar and how we might observe it this year in particular. more
Read the full text of the homily given by Pope Francis for Palm Sunday 2020 in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. more
We publish below the text of the Video Message that the Holy Father Francis sent, as we approach the beginning of Holy Week, as a sign of closeness to Italian families and the world in this time of pandemic: more
Confused about indulgences? Want to know what they are and how they work? Deacon Pedro helps us understand this beautiful and ancient Catholic tradition. more
What do you long for? John's Gospel tells us that Jesus is the God who cares for us, nurtures us, and fulfills all our needs and deepest longings. more
Read the full text of the homily given by Pope Francis before the extraordinary "urbi et orbi" blessing for a world suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic. more
Deacon Pedro explains what is so unique about the blessing Pope Francis is giving today and what we need to do to receive the indulgence that comes with it. more
This week Deacon Pedro considers “I am the Resurrection and the Life. Do you believe this?” - Jesus' words to Martha, and to us. more