BLOG: Deacon-structing,Jubilee of Mercy,Year of Mercy
Last week we learned how the idea of Liberation Theology became an ideology, but saw how, officially, the Church did not condemn it, per se as a theology. This can be seen in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith document Instruction on Certain Aspects of the Theology of Liberation, issued in 1984 and signed more
Last week, writing about Mary in the Americas, made me think of how this idea of liberation (or freedom) has a particular meaning for those living in the Americas, probably dating as far back as when Christopher Columbus first arrived in 1492. It definitely took a particular meaning during the late 70s and 80s. That’s more
Learn more about, and reflect on the life of Mother Mary with Deacon Pedro in his 5-part series, "Deacon-structing: Mary." more
Learn more about, and reflect on the life of Mother Mary with Deacon Pedro in his 5-part series, "Deacon-structing: Mary." more
Deacon-structing Mary - Part 3: The Rosary more
Last week, we reflected a bit about Mary and especially on what it means that she is “Full of Grace”. Perhaps the best reflection on this is from Munificentissimus Deus, the Apostolic Constitution of Pope Pius XII that I mentioned last week, on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This excerpt is taken from more
A month after that memorable experience of World Youth Day Krakow, Salt and Light Television is pleased to bring you a special hour-long WYD Wrap-Up show this Wednesday, August 24 at 9pmET / 6pmPT. There were so many great story lines: the World Youth Day returning to its birthplace, the city of Saint John Paul II. more
Sit down with Deacon Pedro, as he learns about and reflects on Mary in his three-part series "Deacon-structing: Mary." more
I have been humbled in the last couple of days to learn that for many, one of the highlights of Krakow 2016 took place on the Wednesday night at the Mercy Centre during an event which I was honoured to help organize. It was called Night of Mercy. The night was described as “featuring XLT more
At the end of the Angelus Address, last Sunday, at Campus Misericordiae in Krakow, Pope Francis announced that the next World Youth Day will take place in 2019 in Panama City, Panama. As we begin preparations for this exciting next WYD, Salt + Light’s Charles LeBourgeois had the chance to speak with Archbishop José Domingo more