BLOG: Deacon-structing,Prayer,Twitter
In the Gospel of John, Chapter 10, Jesus tells the disciples that he is the Good Shepherd and he says that he leads the sheep and they hear his voice. He also says that He knows his sheep and his sheep know him. In Chapter 14: 23, the Gospel of John tells us that Jesus more
On Easter Sunday I wrote that it’s not hard to find physical signs of new life and resurrection everywhere we look. In fact, I would say that one of the arguments for life after death and even for the divine life is the fact that there are physical signs everywhere. Whether it’s a seed that more
Often our most valuable pieces of art are our most valuable pieces of history. The historic component of a work of art adds to its value because of its character, exclusivity and insight into an age passed through which we glean a portrait of a younger but equally impressive and imaginative humanity. This will certainly more
This past Christmas we reflected upon the incomprehensible mystery of the incarnation – God the Father made known to us through the man Jesus Christ. He chose a specific time, place, and way in our history to reveal Himself to us. That is the “Incarnation.” It’s a word we’ve probably heard many times. But have more
Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe… I don’t know about you, but when I imagine the scene from John 20:19-31, I don’t think Jesus is giving St. Thomas a hard time. I think he’s encouraging him, consoling him. Think about it: Your friend, the man you loved, your more
In recent decades, millions of people have drifted away from Jesus and their Catholic faith.  The creative media team at Catholics Come Home feels a call from God to produce inspiring messages of the New Evangelization, which have already helped lead hundreds of thousands of inactive Catholics, converts, agnostics and atheists home to Jesus and more
It is not hard to find images of new life everywhere to highlight the joy and Good News of Easter – especially in this part of the world in at springtime! (Maybe these bunnies are a bit too much, but you get my point – and they are cute.) But recently, I’ve been doing quite more
Join us in prayer for the intentions entrusted to us by Pope Francis. For April 2015, we join the Holy Father in praying for: Creation: That people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God.  Persecuted Christians: That persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity more
I set out to deacon-struct Holy Week and soon found that I was faced with a monumental task. I looked at each of the key moments of the Passion: the entry into Jerusalem, the Last Supper, Gethsemane, the trial, the way of the Cross and crucifixion… the burial… there is so much there. I have more
So far in part 1, we looked at questions people have regarding fasting and abstinence, in part 2 we looked at suffering and in part 3 we looked at what Scripture has to tell us about why Jesus had to suffer.  I think when people think of Lent, that’s what they think about: fasting, abstinence more