BLOG: Deacon-structing,Programming,Twitter,vocations
Bishop Robert Reed speaks about the situation in Boston and running a TV station during the crisis, and offers hope for those who are missing the Eucharist. more
This week, Deacon Pedro continues his exploration of the Book of Acts by considering how the Apostles persevered in the face of divisions within the Church. more
Archbishop Richard Smith of Edmonton speaks about how COVID-19 is affecting Alberta's economy and how they are coping with the coronavirus pandemic. more
Deacon Pedro has been exploring themes in the Acts of the Apostles, which we read through the Easter Season. This week, he looks at our mission to proclaim the Good News. more
Archbishop Anthony Mancini of Halifax-Yarmouth talks about coping with the tragedy of the Nova Scotia shootings in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. more
Archbishop Gagnon of Winnipeg and Archbishop Gomez of Los Angeles explain everything we need to know about this historic joint consecration to Mary. more
This week in our Mass readings from the Book of Acts, we see the work of the Holy Spirit increasing. What does this tell us about our power to do good? more
Deacon Pedro Guevara-Mass speaks with Archbishop Murray Chatlain about how the restrictions related to COVID-19 are affecting people in Canada's North. more
How can we live with joy in a troubling time? The Book of Acts, which we are reading in Mass throughout the Easter season, shows us how. more
This week of Easter, we begin reading the Acts of the Apostles at Mass, a book that shows us that where there is disoder, there is also harmony - and hope. more