BLOG: Deacon-structing,Reflections,Saints%20and%20Blesseds
Deacon Pedro Guevara-Mann takes us through the first four stages of prayer described in St. Teresa's spiritual classic, The Interior Castle. more
As we approach the season of Lent, Deacon Pedro gives us some recommendations for how to give our faith a boost with some spiritual reading. more
For many of us, this pandemic has shown us what's important in life. What have we learned about ourselves over these past 12 months? more
Deacon Pedro Guevara-Mann tells us all about the precepts of the Church. more
Deacon Pedro Guevara-Mann gives us the lowdown on holy days of obligation. What and when are they? And why do we have them? more
In the midst of so much separation during these days of pandemic, what is there to unite us? How can we remain united across the barriers? more
St. Thomas Aquinas: rebel, academic, mystic
Isabelle Gagnon
January 28, 2021
Learn about St. Thomas Aquinas, the medieval monk and scholar whose radical authenticity makes him an excellent example of holiness. more
You probably know that the Church has feast days to commemorate important saints and events. But did you know there are different ranks of feast days? more
Were you surprised at the news last week that women are now allowed to serve as lectors and acolytes? Deacon Pedro tells us everything we need to know. more
As we begin 2021, we face many challenges, but we also look forward to the future with hope. It is time for us to ask: What does a better world look like? more