BLOG: Deacon-structing,Reflections,Saints%20and%20Blesseds
This Sunday is the 2nd World Day of the Poor. Watch this exclusive video with the president of Chalice and check out S+L's TV lineup. more
Deacon Pedro discusses the high-profile case of Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Catholic woman who had been condemned to death for blasphemy. more
God’s idea of fulfilling one’s vocation is that which will lead to greatest holiness and eternity with Him in heaven. Our idea is often more earthbound. more
Deacon Pedro wraps up this series on the Mass by taking a brief look at how all these parts came together to become the Mass that we know today. more
Read all about Mother Clelia Merlone, who experienced sickness, slander, financial ruin, betrayal, and rejection - and who will be beatified on Nov 3. more
This week Deacon Pedro explores the Concluding Rites of the Mass, which include the final blessing and the dismissal. more
In honour of the feast day of Pope St. John Paul II today, here are some fun stats from his papacy. more
Communion on the hand or the tongue? Kneeling or standing? Deacon Pedro addresses these and more issues in this 11th part of his series on the Mass. more
Quick: tell me your favourite thing about St. Agileus. St. Cannatus? St. Fortunatus? St. Thecla? Fr. Matt Gworek explores the wonderful variety of saints. more
In part 10 of this series on the Mass, Deacon Pedro explores the Communion Rite, which includes the Lord's Prayer and the Lamb of God. more