BLOG: Deacon-structing,Reflections
Deacon Pedro has been exploring themes in the Acts of the Apostles, which we read through the Easter Season. This week, he looks at our mission to proclaim the Good News. more
This week in our Mass readings from the Book of Acts, we see the work of the Holy Spirit increasing. What does this tell us about our power to do good? more
How can we live with joy in a troubling time? The Book of Acts, which we are reading in Mass throughout the Easter season, shows us how. more
Read Marc's story of a 90-day journey of self-denial and spiritual enrichment that drew him closer to his friends, his family, and the Lord. more
This week of Easter, we begin reading the Acts of the Apostles at Mass, a book that shows us that where there is disoder, there is also harmony - and hope. more
Read this reflection on Austen Ivereigh's new interview with Pope Francis and how we are called to approach this time of crisis with creativity. more
Out of touch. Not for too long.
Carl Hétu
April 7, 2020
Carl Hétu, Canadian National Director of CNEWA, shares a moving story of an encounter with a girl in Gaza - and the lesson she left with him. more
What's so special about Holy Week? Deacon Pedro reflects on this sacred time in the Christian calendar and how we might observe it this year in particular. more
Confused about indulgences? Want to know what they are and how they work? Deacon Pedro helps us understand this beautiful and ancient Catholic tradition. more
Marie Anne shares some favourite Bible verses to help us through these difficult times and remind us that, even in the midst of change, God is still God. more