BLOG: Deacon-structing,Reflections
Sometimes, because it’s Lent we may overlook some feasts or solemnities that fall during the season. It’s hard to ignore the Feast of St. Patrick, but how many really pay attention to the Solemnity of St. Joseph? more
So far we’ve looked a little bit about why Lent has a baptismal character and we’ve looked at a particular component of the Catechumenate, the Rite of Election. Before we go on, let me explain a bit more why it’s important to keep Baptism at the centre of our Lent. It’s not j ust that more
A reflection for the Second Sunday of Lent What keeps us going through difficult times? What inspires our hope when the situation is bleak? What makes us persevere when it would be easier to give up? In the Gospel reading for the Second Sunday of Lent, we see Jesus ascend Mount Tabor with His three more
Last week, we spoke about how Lent doesn’t just have a penitential character, but also a baptismal character. I hope that if you didn’t already know the date of your baptism, you went to find out. We should all know the date of our baptism. Part of the reason that Lent has a baptismal character more
A reflection for the First Sunday of Lent It seems almost scandalous to think that Jesus experienced temptation. We think of temptation as something shameful, something that only happens to us and not to others, something that distances us from God. But in the Gospel for the First Sunday of Lent we see Jesus tempted more
When you think of Lent, what do you think of? Do you think of feasting or fasting? Do you think of partying or penance? How many of you, when you think of Lent, think of Baptism? Surely the Catechumens, those preparing for Baptism at Easter, who do their final preparations during Lent are thinking of more
Last week I mentioned that I enjoy praying with the Psalms. In fact I enjoy praying with Scripture. Scripture is good because, not only does it always give us the words that we may need, but it always is the Voice of God speaking to us. Since prayer is not just a one-way conversation (what more
Last week we defined prayer as relationship. If our relationship with God is a love relationship (and it should be), then prayer is how we relate with our loved one. When I was a little kid, my mother taught us that prayer was just talking. That’s why I’m not so much into the standard prayers; more
One of the greatest but often overlooked gifts given to us by the Catholic Church are the many saints canonized over the years. They are given to us as examples of hope during all possible combinations of human hardship we might find ourselves in. This group provides real examples of people who have overcome great tribulations, more
I think everyone who’s been through the tortuous process of starting and/or running a prayer group can attest that it’s not easy to persuade people to attend. Maybe some of you have stories about this that you can share with us. I’ve also been part of fledgling prayer groups that last for a couple months more