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Another beautiful Liturgy that takes place during Holy Week is one that is not attended by most lay people, but nevertheless has its importance and place during Holy Week. It is the Chrism Mass. more
“I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” I have heard and read the story of Lazarus so many times and this year, this one line has impacted me as if it’s more
Last week we looked at the RCIA program: the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. We saw that this process is pretty standard throughout the universal Church. We also saw that (in previous posts, part 1 and part 2) how the program of receiving people (mainly adults) into the Church is ramped up during Lent. more
Deacon Pedro and Richard Valenti spent a little time sharing with Richard's children about Pope Francis and his anniversary. This poem came out of that conversation. more
(CNS photo above: Pope Francis updates the Roman Curia on his reform agenda during their Christmas audience in the Apostolic Palace at the Vatican Dec. 22, 2016) Catch an all new Perspectives on Church Reform under Francis Friday, March 17th at 7pmET & 11pmET No matter where you’re from or how you interpret the first four more
So far we’ve looked a little bit about why Lent has a baptismal character and we’ve looked at a particular component of the Catechumenate, the Rite of Election. Before we go on, let me explain a bit more why it’s important to keep Baptism at the centre of our Lent. It’s not j ust that more
Last week, we spoke about how Lent doesn’t just have a penitential character, but also a baptismal character. I hope that if you didn’t already know the date of your baptism, you went to find out. We should all know the date of our baptism. Part of the reason that Lent has a baptismal character more
When you think of Lent, what do you think of? Do you think of feasting or fasting? Do you think of partying or penance? How many of you, when you think of Lent, think of Baptism? Surely the Catechumens, those preparing for Baptism at Easter, who do their final preparations during Lent are thinking of more
Last week I mentioned that I enjoy praying with the Psalms. In fact I enjoy praying with Scripture. Scripture is good because, not only does it always give us the words that we may need, but it always is the Voice of God speaking to us. Since prayer is not just a one-way conversation (what more
In countries where the majority of the population is of Christian background, the question of dialogue with Muslims may not be such a pressing one. Although this very question is in the minds of many, especially now with the influx of refugees from the Middle East. It is also a question that is important for more