BLOG: Dialogue
In countries where the majority of the population is of Christian background, the question of dialogue with Muslims may not be such a pressing one. Although this very question is in the minds of many, especially now with the influx of refugees from the Middle East. It is also a question that is important for more
(S+L Photo: Ahmet Tarmici, National Director of the Intercultural Dialogue Institute (far left) moderates a discussion as Dalia Hashim (far right), Kevin Lo (middle right), and Naomi Shore (middle left) answer questions related to religion and culture in Canada today.) How do we stay true to ourselves in a multicultural context? That was the question more
(S+L Photo: Fr. Damian MacPherson, SA of the Archdiocese of Toronto (right) and Pastor Christian Ceconi of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (middle) discuss potential ground-breaking initiatives of Christian unity in 2017 with host Sebastian Gomes) Traditionally the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is celebrated between two feasts: the Confession of Saint Peter (January 18) more
2017 marks the 50th anniversary of the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Peace is long overdue, but it won’t happen without a commitment to real dialogue that builds bridges instead of walls. After a 2016 visit to the Holy Land, S+L Producer Sebastian Gomes reflects on his unsettling encounter with reality on the ground. “Go sit more
“For God so loved the world, he gave us his only son.” ( John 3:16) The faith is really down to earth. It is not just let us to learn and experience the mercy from Jesus, but also to narrow down the distance between God and us by his dialogue. On October 28, 2015, Pope more