BLOG: Ecumenism,
Saint John Paul II would often say that “the Church must breathe with her two lungs!” (Ut Unum Sint #54) more
The Canadian Council of Churches at 80 | One Body
Sr. Donna Geernaert, SC
August 24, 2023
In 2024, The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) celebrates the 80th anniversary of its founding. more
The reports issued during the diocesan and continental phases of the Synod on Synodality 2021-2024 offer a consistent call for a renewed understanding of the universal or baptismal priesthood. more
About twenty years ago, I read some astonishing words from Pope John Paul II about the promise of the Rosary for advancing Christian unity: more
Seeking a Common Date for Easter | One Body
Sr. Donna Geernaert, SC
April 27, 2023
Have you ever greeted a neighbour with a “Happy Easter,” only to learn that they are still in the season of Lent and won’t be celebrating the Feast for another couple of weeks? more
I was recently asked how we know if a dialogue is successful. Even in the church, there is a temptation to assess projects and ministries by worldly standards. more
At a high school reunion shortly after Pope Benedict XVI was elected, I was challenged by a former classmate who is now a United Church Minister. more
Remembering We Remember | One Body
Julien Hammond
February 28, 2023
This year marks the 25th anniversary of We Remember: A Reflection on the Shoah, issued on 16 March 1998 by the Holy See’s Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews. more
  Pope Benedict XVI: A Lifelong Commitment to Ecumenism by Sr. Donna Geernaert, SC   One day after his election to the papacy on April 19, 2005, Pope Benedict XVI addressed the College of Cardinals. He affirmed his commitment to the ecumenical agenda of his predecessor, Pope John Paul II, and identified his primary task more
    Do good; Seek justice The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2023 by Nicholas Jesson   The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity originated in the 19th century from Evangelical, Anglican, and Roman Catholic initiatives. By 1908 it had become an eight-day mini-season of prayer, observed in various forms and at different times more