BLOG: Ecumenism,
Pope Francis began his apostolic visit to Slovakia by attending an ecumenical meeting in Bratislava. Read the full text of his address here. more
On September 12, 2021, Pope Francis met with Hungary's religious leaders at the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest. Read the full text of his address. more
Living relationships are changing relationships. So it’s not surprising to see a new approach to Anglican–Roman Catholic dialogue after some 55 years. more
What part of the ecumenical garden, or what role within the ecumenical garden, might the Lord be calling you to tend this summer? more
COVID and Christian unity | One Body
Nicholas Jesson
May 25, 2021
After 15 months of the COVID-19 pandemic, the churches of Canada are taking stock of their experiences and looking to the future. more
A new way of being together | One Body
Sr. Donna Geernaert, SC
April 27, 2021
Membership in the church is first of all about discipleship, and this influences our understanding of authority as being exercised through synodality. more
Education and training in ecumenical matters is essential for the path toward restoring the unity of the church. more
How can I become an ecumenist? | One Body
Nicholas Jesson
February 23, 2021
All Christians are called to a vocation of ecumenism. But how do we know what to do? Nicholas Jesson tells us about a helpful new handbook. more
Sr. Donna Geernaert discusses the ways in which religious communities have been a source of ecumenical insight and expression. more
Isabelle Gagnon reflects on the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and the meaning of freedom in the middle of a pandemic. more