BLOG: Environment,Faith Education,Laudato Si\'
We have begun the Easter Season and what a better time to explore the meaning of the source and summit of our Christian life: The Eucharist. We’ve just come out of a time of repentance and conversion and have gone through Holy Week and the Easter Triduum and that’s a good lead into speaking about more
A reflection on The Francis Impact's experience visiting El Salvador, and their successful ban on metal mining that helped to put a stop to an environmental disaster. more
(S+L Photo: TFI Director Sebastian Gomes and Cinematographer Peter Turek film in Aguilares, El Salvador on Feb 27, 2018) The crew of “The Francis Impact” traveled to El Salvador from February 20 to March 2 to film a story about the country’s 2017 metal mining ban. It was a major environmental victory which the Church more
A reflection for the 4th Sunday, Lent, Year B. The readings are 2 Chronicles 36:14-17a, 19-23; Psalm: 137, Ephesians 2:4-10 and John 3:14-21. Picture it: Nicodemus was a Pharisee and a religious leader; perhaps a member of the Jewish Council, the Sanhedrin. It’s the Feast of Passover and Jesus is in Jerusalem. All eyes are on Him. Nicodemus is more
Read Jay Turchansky's reflection on his experiances in El Salvador while filming the upcoming documentary 'The Francis Impact.' more
If you’re Catholic you do it all the time. If you’re not Catholic, you probably have noticed us making this sign: right hand to our forehead, then down to our chest, then over to the left shoulder and ending with the right shoulder as we say the words: “In the name of the Father, the more
Lent is just around the corner! The annual desert journey calls Christians back to their most intimate and essential selves as children of God. It is a time to pray, fast and give alms, insofar as these traditional practices open within us a humble honesty about the current trajectory of our life’s journey, and serve more
Last time we concluded that Baptism welcomes us into the family of God and after Baptism we belong to God. Now let’s look at the baptism ritual. All Sacrament ritual includes three moments: anamnesis (remembering), epiclesis (coming of the Holy Spirit), doxology (praise). In Baptism we remember the healing waters, we remember Christ’s death and more
Why do we baptise babies? How can a baby decide to become a Christian? Where does this tradition come from? Deacon Pedro explains. more
I remember about 5 years ago when we went to the Easter Vigil Mass for the first time in about 12 years (that’s what happens when you have kids) how amazed I was at the beauty and meaning behind this the greatest of all liturgies. I guess I’d forgotten; or never realized it. In particular, more