BLOG: Environment,Laudato Si\',Pope Francis
Pope Francis chose a fitting day to preside at the first priestly ordinations of his pontificate. Tomorrow, April 21, is the 50th World Day of Prayer for Vocations, an occasion instituted by Servant of God Paul VI in the midst of the Second Vatican Council. The fourth Sunday of Easter also represents Good Shepherd Sunday, more
This afternoon, Pope Francis celebrated mass at the Basilica of St. Paul Outside-the-Walls in Rome. Published below is the unofficial translation of his homily. For repeat broadcast times of the full liturgy, visit S+L’s Easter page. Dear Brothers and Sisters! It is a joy for me to celebrate Mass with you in this Basilica. I more
Pope Francis has been a surprise in many ways. Alot of things he does are things we are not use to seeing in a pope. One of the things that makes this pope different from other popes: he is a Soccer fan.  He is even a card carrying member of the athletic association where he more
Earlier today, Pope Francis took possession of his Cathedral, the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran. In fact, the Basilica of St. John Lateran is the cathedral of the Bishop of Rome. The local Church or diocese established in Rome was founded by the two Apostles Peter and Paul and sanctified by the lives of many more
On April 7, 2013, celebrated by the Church as Divine Mercy Sunday, Pope Francis recited the traditional Regina Caeli devotion from his window overlooking St. Peter’s Square. During his address before the Marian prayers, he spoke about the “beatitude of faith” of those who have not seen the Risen Jesus as the apostles did, and more
Vaticanists have been waiting with baited breath to see who will be Pope Francis’ personal secretary and who is named Secretary of State. The first appointment he made as pope, however, was the new Archbishop of Buenos Aires. The move shows two things: first, that the Holy Father still has his head and his heart more
In another departure from recent papal tradition, Pope Francis held a general audience this week. His predecessor used to take the week after Easter off to rest. Showing that he is full of energy, the Holy Father gave the following catechesis during the audience, focusing on the role of the women who first saw the more
In 2008 Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was invited to be one of the catechists at the International Eucharistic Congress in Quebec City. Below is the full text of the talk he gave during his catechesis session. The Lord proclaims: I am the Eucharist, gift of God for the live of the world. This theme of more
The shared experience of this historic papal transition has made the new Pope headline news. The media, along with the international community, has been sharing this buzz for weeks. Francis is now a public figure and a celebrity. He’s smart, humble, social, and poor in spirit. What a fresh face for Catholics worldwide! Amidst the more
Pope Francis delivered his Urbi et Orbi message — to the city (of Rome) and to the world — today at noon, Rome time.  The traditional message and blessing is given at Christmas and Easter.  The underlying theme of his address was peace throughout the world. The Holy Father called on the faithful to ask more